What’s your single biggest challenge in retirement? Read the results of my revealing survey

by | Jan 11, 2021

What’s your single biggest challenge in retirement? Read the results of my revealing survey


At the end of last year, I was privileged to be able to team up with an innovative organisation and conduct a survey into attitudes towards retirement. 

As you know, during lockdown, I’ve been spending time having in-depth conversations with many of you about exactly these attitudes. I’m not just fascinated by what you all think – by getting into the mindset of those retiring or approaching retirement, I can serve you all the better with my coaching. 

Back to the survey, which I conducted in partnership with Rest Less: the UK’s fastest-growing digital community for the over 50s. Rest Less (don’t you just love the name: perfect for Retirement Rebels!) aims to inspire today’s generation of over 50s and 60s to get the most from life – focusing on lifestyle, learning, financial wellbeing, work, dating, volunteering, community and more. I do encourage you to check out their website and join their vibrant online community.

Rest Less kindly asked their subscribers (over a quarter of a million of them in total) a few questions on my behalf, and the results are intriguing. So in this week’s blog I wanted to share them with you. 

Many people answered my survey to discover their challenge in retirement

The subscribers, who are mainly based in the UK (about half are retired and half still working, and most straddle the ages of 50 and 60 with about 10% in their 70s), were asked nine questions about their attitude towards retirement. 

But the question (and answer) that I want to focus on is this: What’s your single biggest challenge in retirement?

You might have heard me asking you this question before, in my blogs and on social media. But what was so wonderful about teaming up with Rest Less is that I could ask a huge quantity of people at the same time. 

Take a look at the answers that I got in the pie charts below. 

As you can see, it was an overwhelming landslide, with the majority of all three of the age groups choosing a lack of purpose as their biggest challenge in retirement. It’s interesting to note how high the percentage goes when we get into the older age group.

What’s your single biggest challenge in retirement?

I was blown away by the amount of people that chose a lack of purpose as their biggest challenge. It doesn’t surprise me, in that I already know how this can impact on all other areas of our lives, from our health to our finances. But what struck me was how many people are coming to realise this is the problem.

a lack of purpose as their biggest challenge of retirement

That’s why my work increasingly focuses on helping baby boomers rebel against conventional approaches to retirement, see through the ‘fake news’ we’re told about how to live in later life… and choose to prosper and live a life of purpose instead. 

I’d love to hear your feedback on this survey, and if you’d like to tell me which answer you would choose, email me at [email protected].

George Jerjian
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