by George Jerjian | Jun 20, 2023 | Identity, New, Purpose
Most people, when they plan for retirement, think long and hard about changes in income streams and where they will go on vacation and yet, give little or no consideration to something which I believe is far more important; the impact leaving work will have on their...
by George Jerjian | Jun 5, 2023 | Change, Mindset, New, Purpose
The biggest challenge retirees face in retirement is not being able to replace the social connections that sustained them at work. They don’t always miss the work, but they sure do miss their friends. That’s just one of the many insightful conclusions researchers at...
by George Jerjian | Apr 4, 2023 | New, Positive Thinking, Purpose
I’ve been saying for years that planning for retirement can’t just be about cash flow and now it seems the world is starting to listen. You see there are hundreds of thousands of people out there who thought they had enough to retire on – then came Covid, the Ukraine...
by George Jerjian | Mar 20, 2023 | Identity, Mindset, New, Purpose
As seismic societal shifts go, the surge of people taking early retirement during and after the pandemic is one of them. For some, this was due to ill health, for most, it was a lifestyle choice. Covid shocked them to their core and awakened them to the fact that...
by George Jerjian | Mar 6, 2023 | Identity, New, Purpose
Why are we here? What purpose do we have? Who are we serving? These are not questions we often ask ourselves, are they? But there comes a point in life when we should… and that point is retirement. Why? Because that’s a perfect time to discover your new purpose in...