by George Jerjian | Feb 14, 2025 | Change, Mindset, New, Purpose, Retirement Advice It’s George here, and I’m excited to reconnect with you after an incredible journey! In March 2024, I embarked on a transformative gap year. Inspired by Jules...
by George Jerjian | Dec 1, 2023 | My Story, New, Retirement Advice
Transitions and transformations seem to be relentless in our day and age. As many of you already know, I faced a perfect storm of three unrelated events back in January 2007 – moving homes, the death of my wife’s father, and my bone tumor, which was a death sentence...
by George Jerjian | Nov 20, 2023 | Change, Mindset, New, Retirement Advice
In my last blog I talked about change and why, as humans, we’re programmed from birth to fear it. We may physically age as we transition through life, but emotionally we still crave the comfort, calm, and self-confidence we had in our youth. Change is hard, there’s no...
by George Jerjian | Nov 9, 2023 | Change, Mindset, New, Retirement Advice
I’m going to start this blog with one of my favorite quotes as I think it sums up everything I wish to say about change and why we fear it… “Something in us wishes to remain a child, to be unconscious or, at most, conscious only of the ego, to reject everything...
by George Jerjian | Oct 24, 2023 | Gratitude, Identity, New, Positive Thinking, Purpose
Loneliness is an epidemic – one that has spread to the far reaches of the globe. No country is immune and although it can, and does, affect people of all ages, this ‘disease’ is prevalent amongst retirees. Longevity isn’t helping the situation. It stands to reason...
by George Jerjian | Oct 10, 2023 | Mindset, New, Retirement Advice
Standing, minding my own business, in the queue at the doctors and in walks a frail old man. I say walks, he shuffles along, clutching his metal walking frame. I smile, and he smiles back, but when I turn around moments later, he’s slumped over. I grab him and shout...
by George Jerjian | Sep 26, 2023 | Change, Identity, New, Retirement Advice
In my last blog, we met Isaac, a 75-year-old, self-confessed extrovert. Isaac has been retired for ten years and life now, by his own admission, is far busier than it ever was when he was in work. His friend, Estelle, however, has a very different personality type. ...
by George Jerjian | Sep 12, 2023 | Mindset, New, Retirement Advice
Meet Isaac. He’s 75 and has been retired for ten years. Years in which he’s been, by his own admission, “far busier than he ever was at work.” Before he retired, Isaac was given one piece of advice by a mentor and it was this: “When you retire, say YES to...
by George Jerjian | Aug 24, 2023 | Mindset, New, Positive Thinking, Retirement Advice
“You’re never too old to learn.” How many times has someone said that to you? If you’re anything like me, I expect quite a lot! The problem is that although that’s been proven to be true, many of us don’t believe it. As we age, and especially in retirement, we...
by George Jerjian | Aug 8, 2023 | New, Retirement Advice
I had planned to open this blog with an explanation of the benefits of volunteering. Then I met Bill. Bill works at Whipsnade Zoo, which is part of the Zoological Society of London. I say ‘works’, he actually volunteers one day a week, something he says makes his...