Why Do So Many Of Us Sleepwalk Into Retirement?

by | Aug 9, 2021

Let me help you create a retirement with purpose

Are you thinking of retiring? Perhaps you just have? Maybe you were spurred on to do so by the craziness of the past couple of years. Whatever your reasons I’d like to ask you a question… How much time have you spent planning your future away from work?  Have you considered what you’re going to do, whether you can live on your pensions and savings and how you’re going to keep yourself happy and healthy?

Are you sleepwalking into your retirement? My webinar could help...

Are you sleepwalking into your retirement? My webinar could help…

If like many of the people I work with, you’ve been dreaming about life without the daily grind for a very long time that’s great. I expect you’ve been waiting to spend more time with family and friends, go on expensive holidays and work through your bucket list. You have a ‘plan,’ but have you considered this…

– Retirement damages your health – mentally, physically and emotionally
– In all likelihood you’ll outlive your savings
– Aimlessness in life leads to catastrophe

Don’t worry, you’re absolutely not alone.  Most pre-retirees have some idea of how they’re going to fill their days, many have substantial pensions and savings, and some have pre-emptively looked after their health for many years.

But – and this is a very big BUT, very few people have considered how they’re going to fill their lives with passion, purpose and prosperity.  They have no idea what will motivate them to get out of bed in the morning and no real plan of how they’ll cope if they run out of money.

I do and I won’t.

I was forced into semi-retirement back in 2007 due to ill health and let me tell you it wasn’t a place I wanted to spend the rest of my days. I was surrounded by friends and family, I kept myself busy writing books and I restored my health back to where I wanted it to be. Despite all that I was unmotivated, listless and downright bored.

Fast forward a few years and I’m full of vigour, pride and self-respect.  I’m happy and healthy and loving life.

George Jerjian webinar

Register for my webinar to learn how to create a retirement with passion and purpose

To find out how I got here and what motivated my transformation, join my free LIVE webinar – A Booming Life for Boomers – on Wednesday 18th August 2021 from 1:00 – 2:30 pm EST (US) and 6:00-7:30 pm BST (UK)

In it I’ll share my experience and I’ll DARE you to discover your true purpose. So, what are you waiting for?  Register here: www.georgejerjian.com/live

You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain – and don’t forget to bring your partner or a friend along too.

I look forward to seeing you then and I can’t wait to help you create the life you’ve always dreamed of.



George Jerjian
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