by George Jerjian | Jan 6, 2021 | Uncategorized
Retirement Rebels: Helen Hirsh Spence Retirement Rebels: Helen Hirsh SpenceOur first ‘Retirement Rebel’ interview of 2021 features Helen Hirsh Spence of Top Sixty Over Sixty, which provides businesses and individuals with the resources necessary to thrive in today’s...
by George Jerjian | Nov 30, 2020 | Uncategorized
Retirement Rebels: Mike Drak Retirement Rebels: Mike DrakWelcome back to my ‘Retirement Rebel’ interview series. My guest answering the usual ten quick-fire questions is Mike Drak of Victory Lap Retirement, a group of retirement rebels just like me!You can find Mike...
by George Jerjian | Nov 2, 2020 | Uncategorized
Retirement Rebels: Wendy Green Welcome back to my ‘Retirement Rebel’ interview series. Answering my 10 quick-fire questions this month is Wendy Green, host of the Hey, Boomer podcast, a weekly Facebook Live show which I featured on a couple of months ago.You can find...
by George Jerjian | Sep 28, 2020 | Uncategorized
Retirement Rebels: Maggy Pigott It’s that time again when I welcome a new ‘Retirement Rebel’ to my blog to answer 10 quick-fire questions. This month, I’m honoured to introduce Maggy Pigott, CBE.Maggy had a 37-year career in the Civil Service dealing with the...
by George Jerjian | Jul 31, 2020 | Uncategorized
Retirement Rebels: Rosemary Bointon Recently, I’ve been meeting some amazing people from the over-50s blogging community and having some inspiring conversations on social media. That’s how I discovered Rosemary Bointon, who tweets as Superaging Adventure and blogs as...